• Winter Classes begin January 3

    My Winter class session begins on January 3, 2025. Registration is now open. I hope to see you at The Gray Studio! Visit my Namastream site to view my full class calendar, class descriptions, and registration instructions (the link is on my home page).

  • New Year, New Classes

    Starting in January, I’ll offer classes on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday mornings, as well as a Restorative Deep Rest session once a month on Sunday afternoon. By popular demand, both Wednesday classes - Embodycore, and Gentle - will resume, plus a second Saturday class! Visit my calendar for full details.

  • Class sold out? Don't fret!

    Monday and Friday classes often sell out in advance. Please use the wonderful waitlist feature! Almost always, spots open up. Visit my Namastream library for full details about how the waitlist works.

  • ClassCards expiring?

    With advance notice, I’m happy to give you an extension on your ClassCard purchase. Sadly, I can’t extend your classes if they’ve already expired. If you purchased ClassCards a while ago, please log into Namastream to check their expiration date.

  • Let's Support Each Other

    Please support me and our community by 1) arriving for class on time (about 10 minutes prior to start time) and 2) respecting everyone’s health by staying home if you are coughing, sneezing, wheezing, or otherwise ill.

  • Hey Marvelous vs Namastream

    I know, it’s a little confusing: Namastream (the platform I use for class registration and my video library) is the SAME THING as Hey Marvelous. A while back, the founders of Namastream tried to change the company name to Hey Marvelous. Users complained, so both names were kept. The sites are interchangeable. (Believe me, it’s a great platform, whatever you call it!)

  • Etc.

    Here are a few of my inspirations, influences, treats, above-and-beyond-new items, and other random personal tidbits. Enjoy!

  • I Make Envy On Your Disco

    Congratulations to Eric Schnall - a regular in Saturday morning classes - on his debut novel, I Make Envy On Your Disco! This moving tale of a man grappling with mid-life soul searching and identity crises while on a business trip to Berlin is both moving and wonderfully atmospheric. Highly recommended! And Oblong Books has signed copies.

  • Returning Home to Our Bodies

    Abigail Rose Clarke, a fellow student of Patty Townsend, has written a wonderful exploration of being embodied: Returning Home To Our Bodies - Recognizing The Relationship Between Our Bodies And The World. If you’re interested in somatics, engaged activism, and being a positive force on the planet, this is a must-read! Order your copy from our fabulous local independent bookstore, Oblong Books.

  • Samantha Clark's The Clearing

    I’ve been admiring the art work and writing of Scottish artist Samantha Clark for several years, and her memoir The Clearing is a beautiful tribute to family, loss, and the redemption of a creative life. You can learn more about Sam’s amazing work on www.samanthaclark.net

  • Clem Loew's Moxie Interview

    Don’t miss this extraordinary interview with Clem, a regular in Monday and Friday classes. A psychoanalyst and sculptor, Clem spent his childhood during World War II hiding from the Nazis in occupied Poland. Listen to his amazing story via Main Street Magazine’s Moxie podcast link: https://mainstreetmoxie.press/clem-loew

  • Because I Loved You

    Donnaldson Brown - writer and yoga teacher - has just published a wonderful new novel, Because I Loved You. Three cheers to the amazing Donnaldson, who some of you will recognize from yoga classes! Check out Donnaldson’s site donnaldsonbrown.com or find her on Facebook or Instagram.

  • Katherine May's Enchantment

    Katherine May speaks my language. I read her book Wintering after being diagnosed with cancer, and it meant the world to me. I’ve been lucky to take online classes with Katherine, including her course Wintering for Writers. Her new book, Enchantment, explores the ordinary magic that’s missing from our stressful modern lives. Highly recommended.

  • My Moxie Interview

    Check out the great interview Millerton’s Main Street Magazine did for their ‘Moxie by Proxy’ podcast! I talk about my late father (artist Arthur Getz), my journey with yoga, and more. Scroll all the way down through Main Street’s descriptive blurb to locate the audio file: https://mainstreetmoxie.press/moxie-by-proxy-sarah-getz-on-arthur-kimmig-getz/